Pools and Cross Walk to BiC-1 Vehicles

OASIS+ NAICS codes by domain 

The OASIS+ contract scope is organized into domains, each representing a functional grouping of related services. Each domain includes multiple North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes. We will release the domains in phases, with the initial Phase I consisting of eight domains. Below is a list of the NAICS codes for the Phase I domains. As we move forward, we will expand this list with the release of Phase II. 

Choosing the appropriate primary NAICS code 

OASIS+ domains include multiple NAICS codes. According to FAR 19.102, the Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO) is responsible for determining the appropriate NAICS code and corresponding small business size standard, and for including them in all solicitations above the micro-purchase threshold. FAR 19.102(b)(1) specifies that the assigned NAICS code must accurately reflect the principal nature of the service being acquired. 

For all OASIS+ Unrestricted (UR) contracts, the primary NAICS code will be selected based on the smallest size standard among the awarded domains. When assigning the primary NAICS code, receipts-based size standards take precedence over those based on employee count. This primary NAICS code will be reflected in the awarded contract and associated FPDS record. However, the assignment of a primary NAICS code does not restrict contractors’ eligibility to respond to task order solicitations or perform work under NAICS codes outside of their primary code. Contractors are eligible to compete for task orders within any of the awarded Domain CLINs (NAICS codes), which constitute their specific fair opportunity pools. 

For all OASIS+ Small Business (SB) contracts, the primary NAICS code will be assigned based on the largest size standard within the awarded domains. In this case, employee-based size standards will take precedence over receipts-based size standards. This approach ensures that contractors remain eligible to compete within their awarded domains during re-representation, as outlined in Section G., provided they meet the size standard at the time of re-representation. 

Distinguishing between primary-level NAICS codes and task order-level NAICS codes 

For administrative purposes, the six OASIS+ solicitations are assigned a single NAICS code (541990), which represents the overarching scope of the OASIS+ Contract Program. This NAICS code is not intended for reporting at the task order level. 

Due to a limitation in the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS), only one NAICS code can be associated with a procurement action. This limitation does not impact the assignment of NAICS codes at the task order level, which will be determined separately. The assignment of a NAICS code at the master contract level is strictly for administrative purposes, ensuring accurate socioeconomic and size status reporting at the task order level. 

Since FPDS allows only one NAICS code to be reported per contract action (i.e., task order), each contractor will be assigned a primary NAICS code at the master contract level, based on the domains awarded. This primary NAICS code will appear in the awarded contract and its associated FPDS record. However, the assignment of a primary NAICS code does not restrict contractors from responding to task order solicitations or performing work under other NAICS codes beyond the primary code. Contractors are eligible to compete for task orders within any of the NAICS codes awarded in their Domains, which form their specific fair opportunity pools. 

Task order solicitations will be managed through the OSP, the mandatory system for Ordering Contracting Officers (OCOs) to issue task order solicitations. Contractors will be eligible to compete only under the NAICS codes where they are represented (and subsequently re-represented) as a small business concern, in accordance with the corresponding size standard and their socioeconomic status. 

Management & Advisory (M&A) 

This domain encompasses a broad range of management and consulting services designed to enhance the performance of Federal agencies, support their efforts to meet mission objectives, and provide expert guidance on administrative and management challenges. The Management and Advisory Domain includes, but is not limited to, the following scope areas: 

– Acquisition & grants management support   

– Business case development and analysis support   

– Business consulting   

– Business intelligence support   

– Business process improvement   

– Business process reengineering   

– Change management   

– Concept development and requirements analysis   

– Configuration management   

– Cost, schedule, and performance analysis & improvement   

– Cost estimation and analysis   

– Cost/performance trade-off analysis and studies   

– Decision analysis   

– Earned Value Management (EVM) analysis   

– E-business support   

– Executive-level administrative support   

– Governance   

– Horizontal analysis and protection activities   

– Information analytics   

– Integration of support systems   

– Interface management   

– Investigative services   

– Knowledge-based acquisition   

– Knowledge management   

– Leadership and organizational assessments   

– Long-range planning, futures, and forecasting   

– Manpower estimating   

– Policy analysis   

– Project management, program management, and integrated program management   

– Program documentation   

– Coordination with law/policy-making entities   

– Regulatory compliance support   

– Requirements management   

– Risk assessment, mitigation, and management   

– Stakeholder requirements analysis   

– Strategy development   

– Strategic forecasting and planning   

– Technical and analytical support   

– Vulnerability assessment   

This comprehensive set of services is aimed at improving organizational effectiveness and helping Federal agencies achieve operational excellence. 

M&A NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
MA-541611-XX 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
MA-541612-XX 541612 Human Resources Consulting Services $29.0 Million 
MA-541613-XX 541613 Marketing Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
MA-541614-XX 541614 Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services $20.0 Million 
MA-541618-XX 541618 Other Management Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
MA-541620-XX 541620 Environmental Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
MA-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
MA-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 

Technical & Engineering (T&E) 

This Domain covers the provision of specialized engineering, geoscience, and other technical professional services, including those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, to address specific operational challenges and conditions for the benefit of the government. Work within this Domain typically involves applying the principles of engineering, physical sciences, and technical expertise in the design, development, and implementation of machines, materials, systems, and processes, as well as providing expert guidance on technical functions and issues. The scope areas of the Technical and Engineering Domain include, but are not limited to: 

– Advanced technology pilots and trials   

– Alternative energy sources and engineering   

– Capabilities integration and development   

– Communications engineering   

– Configuration management   

– Concept development   

– Data analytics and management   

– Design documentation and technical data   

– Energy services, including management planning, strategies, audit services, and metering   

– Engineering (aeronautical, astronomical, chemical, civil, electrical, materials, mechanical, etc.)   

– Engineering process improvement   

– Environmental engineering   

– Human factors and usability engineering   

– Human systems integration   

– Independent verification and validation   

– Integration support   

– Interoperability   

– Life cycle management   

– Mission assurance   

– Modeling and simulation   

– Operational test and evaluation   

– Optical engineering   

– Program analysis   

– Quality assurance   

– Radar engineering   

– Red teaming and wargaming   

– Technical requirements analysis   

– Operation and maintenance or direct support of existing weapon systems or major systems   

– Risk management   

– Scientific (non-R&D) analysis and support   

– Software development (for IT services involving 40 USC § 11103(a) activities)   

– Surveying and mapping (excluding geophysical services)   

– System design and integration   

– System effectiveness and analysis   

– System engineering   

– System safety engineering   

– System security and information assurance   

– System verification and validation   

– Technical assessment, data management, and planning   

– Technical documentation   

These services are essential for ensuring the effective application of engineering and technical expertise to meet the complex needs of federal agencies and support mission-critical operations. 

T&E NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
TE-336611-XX 336611 Ship Building and Repairing 1,300 employees 
TE-488190-XX 488190 Other Support Activities for Air Transportation $40.0 Million 
TE-488999-XX 488999 All Other Support Activities for Transportation $25.0 Million 
TE-541310-XX 541310 Architectural Services $12.5 Million 
TE-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
TE-541330E1-XX 541330 (Exception 1) Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons $47.0 Million 
TE-541330E2-XX 541330 (Exception 2) Contracts and Subcontracts for Engineering Services Awarded Under the National Energy Policy Act of 1992 $47.0 Million 
TE-541330E3-XX 541330 (Exception 3) Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture $47.0 Million 
TE-541350-XX 541350 Building Inspection Services $11.5 Million 
TE-541360-XX 541360 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services $28.5 Million 
TE-541370-XX 541370 Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services $19.0 Million 
TE-541380-XX 541380 Testing Laboratories $19.0 Million 
TE-541611-XX 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
TE-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
TE-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
TE-611512-XX 611512 Flight Training $34.0 Million 

Research & Development (R&D) 

This Domain covers requirements related to Research and Development (R&D) activities aimed at achieving both specific and general objectives. R&D encompasses basic research, applied research, and experimental development across a variety of scientific disciplines. Services under this Domain include conducting R&D in the physical, engineering, and life sciences, as well as in emerging fields such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, and social sciences. The R&D Domain scope areas include, but are not limited to: 

– Cell and tissue culture and engineering   

– Conceptual design and modification of product or process alternatives   

– Design and specification development   

– Conducting clinical tests to meet pre-commercialization requirements   

– Decision support sciences   

– Design and improvement of manufacturing or production technologies, processes, and techniques   

– Design, construction, and testing of preproduction prototypes and models   

– Development and implementation of new reagents, testing methods, or protocols   

– Design of tools and materials utilizing new technologies   

– Development of experimental therapeutic drugs, compounds, or molecules   

– Development of tools, resources, and procedures for advanced biologics, assays, and testing   

– Development of new drug delivery methods   

– DNA research, including genomics, gene probes, DNA sequencing, and genetic engineering   

– Environmental science research   

– Experimental development   

– Laboratory and clinical research   

– Life sciences research   

– Mathematical sciences research   

– Physical sciences research   

– Biotechnology research and process development   

– Product experimentation and modification   

– Psychological science research   

– Advanced R&D training   

– Development of automated processes or robotics   

– Protein/peptide sequencing and synthesis   

– Research into new applications for existing products   

– Software development or IT initiatives related to experimental product or process improvements   

– Social science research   

– Special studies and analysis   

– Technical research consulting, development, and facilitation   

– Technology transfer, insertion, training, and consulting   

– Non-routine test and evaluation services   

– Regulatory compliance testing   

These activities are essential for advancing scientific and technological knowledge and driving innovation across multiple fields, supporting the development of new products, processes, and solutions for government needs. 

R&D NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
RD-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
RD-541330E1-XX 541330 (Exception 1) Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons $47.0 Million 
RD-541330E2-XX 541330 (Exception 2) Contracts and Subcontracts for Engineering Services Awarded Under the National Energy Policy Act of 1992 $47.0 Million 
RD-541330E3-XX 541330 (Exception 3) Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture $47.0 Million 
RD-541380-XX 541380 Testing Laboratories $19.0 Million 
RD-541611-XX 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
RD-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
RD-541713-XX 541713 Research and Technology in Nanotechnology 1,000 employees 
RD-541714-XX 541714 Research and Technology in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology) 1,000 employees 
RD-541715-XX 541715 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) 1,000 employees 
RD-541715E1-XX 541715 (Exception 1) Aircraft, Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts 1,500 employees 
RD-541715E2-XX 541715 (Exception 2) Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment 1,250 employees 
RD-541715E3-XX 541715 (Exception 3) Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units and Propulsion Parts 1,300 employees 
RD-541720-XX 541720 Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities $28.0 Million 
RD-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
RD-621511-XX 621511 Medical Laboratories $41.5 Million 

Intelligence Services (INTEL) 

This Domain focuses on supporting Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission requirements. It enhances situational awareness and strengthens command and control capabilities within defense and intelligence environments through advanced organizational and technological solutions. The Intelligence Services Domain encompasses a wide range of capabilities, including but not limited to: 

– Assured positioning, navigation, and timing support   

– Prototyping, integration, and testing   

– Command, power, and integration support   

– Counter-IED and minefield detection and neutralization   

– Counterintelligence (CI)   

– Cyberspace operational support   

– Cyber and tactical network science   

– Detection and neutralization of explosive hazards   

– Electro-optical/infrared surveillance   

– Electronic countermeasures   

– Information superiority support   

– Electromagnetic spectrum operations   

– Field and enterprise intelligence support   

– Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT)   

– Human intelligence (HUMINT)   

– Imagery intelligence (IMINT)   

– Integrated power support services   

– Intelligence, information, and electronic warfare   

– Intelligence production, collection, analysis, exploitation, and dissemination   

– Intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and targeting (ISRT) development and support   

– Intelligence analysis   

– Intelligence archiving, cataloging, and retrieval   

– Intelligence management   

– Measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT)   

– Mission command, planning, and application   

– Network visualization   

– Night vision, electronic, and optical surveillance   

– Offensive and defensive cyber operations   

– Open source intelligence (OSINT)   

– Power and energy generation and management   

– Product realization engineering   

– Secure correspondence management   

– Signals intelligence (SIGINT)   

– Software development (for IT services involving 40 USC § 11103 (a) activities)   

– Standardized software framework implementation   

– Space and terrestrial communications   

– Specialized functional training   

– Tactical and strategic network support   

– Tactical cyberspace operations   

– Technical intelligence (TECHINT)   

– Threat modeling and simulation   

– Unmanned systems   

This Domain is critical to enabling superior operational capabilities across a variety of intelligence and defense missions, providing support in areas such as cyber defense, surveillance, intelligence analysis, and advanced technology integration. 


CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
INT-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
INT-541330E1-XX 541330 (Exception 1) Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons $47.0 Million 
INT-541330E2-XX 541330 (Exception 2) Contracts and Subcontracts for Engineering Services Awarded Under the National Energy Policy Act of 1992 $47.0 Million 
INT-541330E3-XX 541330 (Exception 3) Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture $47.0 Million 
INT-541611-XX 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
INT-541614-XX 541614 Process, Physical Distribution and Logistics Consulting Services $20.0 Million 
INT-541618-XX 541618 Other Management Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
INT-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
INT-541715-XX 541715 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) 1,000 employees 
INT-541715E1-XX 541715 (Exception 1) Aircraft, Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts 1,500 employees 
INT-541715E2-XX 541715 (Exception 2) Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment 1,250 employees 
INT-541715E3-XX 541715 (Exception 3) Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units and Propulsion Parts 1,300 employees 
INT-541720-XX 541720 Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities $28.0 Million 
INT-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
INT-561499-XX 561499 All Other Business Support Services $21.5 Million 
INT-561611-XX 561611 Investigation Services $25.0 Million 

Environmental (ENV) 

This Domain assists agencies in meeting their environmental goals by providing a more efficient and cost-effective approach to environmental compliance and contracting. It involves multi-disciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, and technicians with expertise in areas such as air and water quality, climate change, asbestos contamination, remediation, ecological restoration, and environmental law. Environmental consulting services typically include planning, documentation, and coordination for environmental initiatives or mandates related to chemical, radiological, and hazardous materials. The scope of the Environmental Domain includes, but is not limited to: 

– Air monitoring   

– Air toxicology, criteria pollutants, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions strategy and analysis   

– Archaeological and cultural resource management plans   

– Archaeological site consulting and preservation   

– Biomass and biofuel energy strategy and analysis   

– Carbon capture, utilization, and storage   

– Cleanup and assessment of emerging contaminants (e.g., PFAS)   

– Climate change studies, planning, policy analysis, and mitigation strategies   

– Consulting on endangered species, wetland, and watershed protection   

– Crop and tree migration   

– Cultural resource geographic information systems (GIS) support   

– Emissions reduction strategy and analysis (e.g., locomotives, marine vessels, aircraft)   

– Environmental consulting   

– Environmental education   

– Environmental emergency response   

– Environmental engineering   

– Environmental information management   

– Environmental impact assessments   

– Environmental justice and equity   

– Environmental management and monitoring   

– Environmental remediation   

– Environmental risk assessment   

– Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data and reporting   

– Environmental toxicology   

– Forest land fire management planning   

– GIS support for environmental applications   

– Hazardous materials management, planning, disposal, and remediation   

– Human migration due to climate change   

– Laboratory environmental testing   

– Land use planning   

– Mapping, cartography, and integrated mapping from various data sources   

– Migration pattern analysis   

– Munitions and unexploded ordnance cleanup   

– Natural resource management and planning   

– Pollutant contamination planning, assessment, and mitigation   

– Reclamation services   

– Regulatory development and compliance   

– Remote sensing for environmental studies   

– Terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric measuring and management   

– Thermal mapping   

– Sea-level rise analysis and response   

– Sediment management   

– Above and below-ground storage tank removal   

– Stormwater management   

– Sustainability and decarbonization strategy and reporting   

– Vegetation and topography mapping   

– Vehicle fleet electrification support   

– Water, wastewater, and groundwater monitoring   

– Water and wastewater infrastructure   

– Water conservation and pollution prevention   

– Watershed characterization and assessment   

This Domain supports agencies in addressing critical environmental challenges, improving sustainability, and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, while also fostering proactive strategies for future environmental protection and restoration. 

ENV NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
ENV-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
ENV-541360-XX 541360 Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services $28.5 Million 
ENV-541380-XX 541380 Testing Laboratories $19.0 Million 
ENV-541620-XX 541620 Environmental Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
ENV-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
ENV-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
ENV-561210-XX 561210 Facilities Support Services $47.0 Million 
ENV-562112-XX 562112 Hazardous Waste Collection $47.0 Million 
ENV-562211-XX 562211 Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal $47.0 Million 
ENV-562910-XX 562910 Remediation Services $25.0 Million 
ENV-562910E-XX 562910 (Exception) Environmental Remediation Services 1,000 employees 

Facilities (FAC) 

Services in this Domain cover all aspects required to maintain and operate buildings, paved surfaces, utility infrastructure, and real property assets and equipment. This includes comprehensive facilities management for a variety of federal and industrial properties, such as DoD installations, hospitals, cemeteries, and other real property, but does not extend to primary construction activities. The General Services Administration (GSA) has included a broad range of services in facilities contracts due to their historical role in supporting comprehensive facilities solutions. The Facilities Domain encompasses, but is not limited to, the following scope areas: 

– Airfield lighting services   

– Airport security and surveillance   

– Alarm and security system maintenance   

– Architectural and framework building maintenance   

– Base operations support services   

– Building inspection services (including OSHA compliance)   

– Building management services   

– Cathodic protection and corrosion control   

– Cemetery maintenance   

– Civil engineering services   

– Commissioning services   

– Communication services (general and telecommunications)   

– Community center management   

– Conference center support   

– Custodial services   

– Electrical maintenance services   

– Elevator maintenance and inspection   

– Emergency management services   

– Energy management control systems (EMCS)   

– Energy and water conservation management and reporting   

– Engineering management services   

– Engineering support for facility resource and optimization (R&O) decisions to allocate future funding   

– Engineering support for construction cost estimates   

– Engineering for current and future maintenance management   

– Environmental compliance and conservation   

– Environmental pollution prevention   

– Equipment and electronics maintenance   

– Facility and installation maintenance services   

– Fire alarm and fire suppression system maintenance and repair   

– Fire protection and emergency services   

– Fitness and sports center management   

– Force protection and entry control point services   

– Fuels management   

– Grounds maintenance   

– HVAC maintenance services   

– Infrastructure planning and support   

– Insect and pest control   

– Integrated waste management services   

– Janitorial services   

– Landscaping and grounds maintenance   

– Locksmith services   

– Logistics planning and support   

– Ground transportation services   

– Installation Deployment Readiness Center (IDRC) support   

– Mailroom services   

– Maintenance of fuel distribution and grounding systems   

– Material management   

– Operations and maintenance (O&M) of facilities   

– O&M of aerospace facilities and equipment   

– O&M of airfields   

– O&M of electrical distribution and HVAC systems   

– O&M engineering support   

– O&M of fresh water systems   

– O&M of historic facilities   

– O&M of utility and sanitation systems   

– Plumbing and pipefitting services   

– Pollution prevention and remediation programs   

– Real property management   

– Refuse collection and disposal   

– Renewable energy system management   

– Repair and restoration projects   

– Roofing services   

– Security forces services   

– Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF)   

– Septic services   

– Snow removal and ice control   

– Street sweeping and maintenance   

– Traffic management   

– Vehicle fleet management   

– Water distribution and treatment   

– Water tank maintenance   

– Waste management and recycling services   

These services are critical for ensuring the continued operation, safety, and sustainability of federal properties and infrastructure, supporting both routine maintenance and emergency response needs. 

FAC NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
FAC-238160-XX 238160 Roofing Contractors $19.0 Million 
FAC-238210-XX 238210 Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors $19.0 Million 
FAC-238220-XX 238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Contractors $19.0 Million 
FAC-238290-XX 238290 Other Building Equipment Contractors $22.0 Million 
FAC-238320-XX 238320 Painting and Wall Covering Contractors $19.0 Million 
FAC-238990-XX 238990 All Other Specialty Trade Contractors $19.0 Million 
FAC-485999-XX 485999 All Other Transit and Ground Passenger transportation $19.0 Million 
FAC-488190-XX 488190 Other Support Activities for Air Transportation $40.0 Million 
FAC-488490-XX 488490 Other Support Activities for Road Transportation $18.0 Million 
FAC-488999-XX 488999 All Other Support Activities for Transportation $25.0 Million 
FAC-531311-XX 531311 Residential Property Managers $12.5 Million 
FAC-531312-XX 531312 Nonresidential Property Managers $19.5 Million 
FAC-541320-XX 541320 Landscape Architectural Services $9.0 Million 
FAC-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
FAC-541350-XX 541350 Building Inspection Services $11.5 Million 
FAC-541611-XX 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
FAC-541614-XX 541614 Process, Physical Distribution and Logistics Consulting Services $20.0 Million 
FAC-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
FAC-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
FAC-561210-XX 561210 Facilities Support Services $47.0 Million 
FAC-561621-XX 561621 Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) $25.0 Million 
FAC-561710-XX 561710 Exterminating and Pest Control Services $17.5 Million 
FAC-561720-XX 561720 Janitorial Services $22.0 Million 
FAC-561730-XX 561730 Landscaping Services $9.5 Million 
FAC-561990-XX 561990 All Other Support Services $16.5 Million 
FAC-562111-XX 562111 Solid Waste Collection $47.0 Million 
FAC-562112-XX 562112 Hazardous Waste Collection $47.0 Million 
FAC-562211-XX 562211 Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal $47.0 Million 
FAC-811310-XX 811310 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance $12.5 Million 

Logistics (LOG) 

Services within this Domain provide comprehensive logistics solutions, encompassing the planning, design, implementation, and operation of systems or facilities for the movement of supplies, equipment, or personnel across various transportation modes, including road, air, water, rail, and pipeline. The Logistics Domain covers a wide range of services, including but not limited to: 

– Analysis and recommendations for support equipment   

– Cold chain medical supply management   

– Deployment logistics   

– Disaster management and contingency operations   

– Distribution and transportation services   

– Food and perishable goods supply management   

– Industrial relocation and expansion services   

– Infrastructure services, including transportation and delivery   

– Integrated Product Support (IPS) technical requirement creation   

– Integration of public and private resources   

– IPS system design, risk assessment, schedule creation, and performance tracking   

– Inventory management   

– Life cycle sustainment and management   

– Logistical studies and evaluations   

– Logistics design and planning   

– Logistics management and operational support   

– Logistics operations support and maintenance   

– Logistics optimization strategies   

– General logistics services   

– Logistics training and capacity-building services   

– Rapid deployment of supplies and equipment through advanced communication and logistics systems   

– Repair and alteration services   

– Resource sourcing (global, regional, and local)   

– Specialized cargo management   

– Supply chain management and provisioning   

– Supportability analysis and implementation   

– Technology and industrial base integration   

– Test range support   

– Value chain management   

These services are essential to ensuring efficient, effective, and responsive logistics operations, supporting a broad spectrum of activities from military deployments and emergency response to supply chain management and infrastructure development. 

LOG NAICS codes 

CLIN key: XX = UR, SB, 8A, VO, WO, HZ 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
LOG-336611-XX 336611 Ship Building and Repairing 1,300 employees 
LOG-481211-XX 481211 Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation 1,500 employees 
LOG-485991-XX 485991 Special Needs Transportation $19.0 Million 
LOG-485999-XX 485999 All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation $19.0 Million 
LOG-488111-XX 488111 Air Traffic Control $40.0 Million 
LOG-488190-XX 488190 Other Support Activities for Air Transportation $40.0 Million 
LOG-488999-XX 488999 All Other Support Activities for Transportation $25.0 Million 
LOG-492110-XX 492110 Couriers and Express Delivery Services 1,500 employees 
LOG-493110-XX 493110 General Warehousing and Storage $34.0 Million 
LOG-493120-XX 493120 Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage $36.5 Million 
LOG-493190-XX 493190 Other Warehousing and Storage $36.5 Million 
LOG-541330-XX 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
LOG-541614-XX 541614 Process, Physical Distribution and Logistics Consulting Services $20.0 Million 
LOG-541690-XX 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
LOG-541990-XX 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
LOG-561210-XX 561210 Facilities Support Services $47.0 Million 
LOG-811114-XX 811114 Specialized Automotive Repair $9.0 Million 
LOG-811121-XX 811121 Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance $9.0 Million 
LOG-811198-XX 811198 All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance $10.0 Million 

Enterprise Solutions (UR Only) (ENT) 

This Domain focuses on the procurement of highly technical, emerging, and/or specialized mission-critical objectives that require specialized management and oversight due to their significance to the agency’s mission. These requirements often involve high development, operating, or maintenance costs, elevated risk, and the potential for high returns. They are typically vital to the administration of agency-wide programs, systems, finances, property, or other resources. The Domain also includes non-IT services that support national security systems in compliance with 40 USC § 11103(a). 

The Enterprise Solutions Domain is designed for large-scale, complex requirements that have significant financial, operational, or strategic impact, often spanning multiple organizations or agencies. Given its broad scope, this Domain overlaps with other NAICS categories within OASIS+, drawing contractors capable of managing large, intricate projects with specialized needs. Key characteristics of projects within this Domain may include: 

– Multi-layered subcontracting teams   

– High levels of contractor accountability, especially in areas of contractor-acquired or contractor-managed government property   

– Complex accounting systems, estimating processes, and invoicing demands   

– Stringent quality control and government quality assurance oversight   

– Geographically dispersed project offices (either at government sites or contractor sites)   

– Extensive upfront capital requirements to launch, transition, and sustain long-term operations in support of agency missions, due to high capital demands   

The minimum order threshold for task orders issued through this Domain is $250 million in total estimated value (including base and all option periods). 

This Domain is suited for projects that require a significant level of coordination, risk management, and specialized expertise, making it critical for mission-critical agency requirements that have a far-reaching impact on national security or large-scale government initiatives. 

ENT NAICS codes 

CLIN NAICS code and title Size standard 
ENT-336611-UR 336611 Ship Building and Repairing 1,300 employees 
ENT-541330-UR 541330 Engineering Services $25.5 Million 
ENT-541330E1-UR 541330 (Exception 1) Military and Aerospace Equipment and Military Weapons $47.0 Million 
ENT-541330E2-UR 541330 (Exception 2) Contracts and Subcontracts for Engineering Services Awarded Under the National Energy Policy Act of 1992 $47.0 Million 
ENT-541330E3-UR 541330 (Exception 3) Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture $47.0 Million 
ENT-541611-UR 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services $24.5 Million 
ENT-541614-UR 541614 Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services $20.0 Million 
ENT-541620-UR 541620 Environmental Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
ENT-541690-UR 541690 Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services $19.0 Million 
ENT-541715-UR 541715 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology) 1,000 employees 
ENT-541715E1-UR 541715 (Exception 1) Aircraft, Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts 1,500 employees 
ENT-541715E2-UR 541715 (Exception 2) Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment 1,250 employees 
ENT-541715E3-UR 541715 (Exception 3) Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles, Their Propulsion Units and Propulsion Parts 1,300 employees 
ENT-541990-UR 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services $19.5 Million 
ENT-561210-UR 561210 Facilities Support Services $47.0 Million 
ENT-562910-UR 562910 Remediation Services $25.0 Million 
ENT-562910E-UR 562910 (Exception) Environmental Remediation Services 1,000 employees