(Oasis Plus Multi Agency Contract)
General Description
OPMAC-GSA-201043 (Oasis Plus Multi Agency Contract)
General Services Administration (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS) Small Business (SB) Contract
STAHL stands out as a leading provider under the GSA OASIS SB program, having received over 60 task orders and earning Exceptional CPARS ratings. Our projects involve high-level, complex global contracts that support mission-critical government initiatives, including C4ISR services for our nation’s warfighters, advanced engineering support, and innovative technology solutions.
OASIS is the sole government-wide contract designed for complex professional services, facilitating streamlined access for all federal agencies to a wide array of services for both commercial and non-commercial needs. The contract encompasses several core disciplines, including program management, management solutions, logistics, engineering, scientific and financial services, along with ancillary services such as Information Technology.
Scope of Awarded Contract
STAHL provides a comprehensive range of core professional services to support all federal missions, including:
- Program Management
- Management Solutions
- Scientific Services
- Engineering
- Logistics
- Financial Management
In addition to these core offerings, we also deliver a variety of professional and non-professional services, including commercial and non-commercial items, IT services and components, administrative support, data entry, and subject matter expertise. By integrating these services, STAHL offers total solutions tailored to professional services needs across a wide array of areas, such as:
- Communication
- Compliance
- Defense
- Disaster Response
- Energy
- Environmental Services
- Financial Services
- Health
- Intelligence
- Security
- Transportation
When agencies utilize the OASIS contract, they gain access to a unique and flexible full-service contract vehicle designed to reduce costs for American taxpayers. The benefits of OASIS for customers include:
- Allowing agencies to focus on their missions rather than the acquisition process
- Minimizing the unnecessary proliferation of interagency and agency-wide IDIQ contracts
- Reducing lead times and administrative burdens for acquiring complex professional services
- Ensuring accurate Small Business subcontracting credit through established Pools based on size standards, with appropriate standards for each task order
- Maximizing opportunities for Small Businesses
- Offering reduced exposure to protests for contracts under $10 million
- Concentrating acquisitions on 40 pre-qualified companies within each Pool
- Providing an innovative tiered access fee ranging from 0.1% to 0.75% based on obligation levels
OPMAC-GSA-201043 (Oasis Plus Multi Agency Contract)
For more information on how the OASIS contract can assist your agency with program management, management services, logistics, engineering, scientific, or financial needs, please reach out to the OASIS Program Office at OasisSB@gsa.gov, or visit www.gsa.gov/oasis.
Contract Number
Period of Performance
5 year(s) base plus 1 x 5 year(s) option(s)
DUNS Number
Management and Advisory Domain
541612: Awarded
Technical and Engineering Domain
336611; 488190; 541330; 541360; 611512;
Contact Information
For detailed information on how STAHL USA can meet your needs using this contract, please contact:
Chris Stahl, CEO & SBG Leader
176 Wardensville Grade
Winchester VA, 22602
Direct: (703) 445-3450
(800) 265 6393 ext. 1
Cell: (240) 701 2434